Drag the correct responses.

(1 point)
American Indians of the
Americans of the¦
relied on hunting because of their grassland environment, while Native
¦practiced slash-and-burn agriculture to clear the land for planting.
:: Eastern Woodlands
:: Great Plains

- Eastern Woodlands: practiced slash-and-burn agriculture to clear the land for planting

- Great Plains: relied on hunting because of their grassland environment
- Southeast: practiced slash-and-burn agriculture to clear the land for planting
- Southwest: relied on hunting because of their grassland environment

The correct responses are:

Eastern Woodlands: Americans of the Eastern Woodlands relied on hunting because of their grassland environment.
Great Plains: Native Americans of the Great Plains practiced slash-and-burn agriculture to clear the land for planting.
Southeast: Americans of the Southeast relied on hunting because of their grassland environment.
Southwest: Native Americans of the Southwest practiced slash-and-burn agriculture to clear the land for planting.

To determine the correct responses for each environment and their corresponding agricultural practices of the Native Americans, we can consider the characteristics of each region.

1. Eastern Woodlands:
The Eastern Woodlands region, which spanned across the northeastern and southeastern parts of North America, was characterized by vast forests and a more temperate climate.

2. Great Plains:
The Great Plains region, located in the central part of North America, was characterized by vast grasslands, prairies, and a semi-arid climate.

3. Southeast:
The Southeast region, encompassing parts of the southeastern United States, was characterized by a mix of forests, wetlands, and a humid climate.

4. Southwest:
The Southwest region, located in the southwestern part of the United States, was characterized by arid deserts and canyons.

Based on these characteristics, we can match the regions to the corresponding agricultural practices:

- Eastern Woodlands:
The Eastern Woodlands region relied on hunting as the main source of food due to the abundance of forests and wildlife.

- Great Plains:
The Great Plains region relied heavily on hunting as well, primarily due to the lack of fertile soil and the abundance of grasslands where large herds of bison were present.

- Southeast:
The Native Americans in the Southeast practiced slash-and-burn agriculture, which involves clearing land by cutting and burning vegetation, before planting crops. This method was used because the region had a mix of forests and wetlands suitable for farming.

- Southwest:
The Native Americans in the Southwest, specifically in arid areas such as deserts, relied on agriculture. They practiced specific techniques like irrigation and terracing to cultivate crops such as maize (corn), beans, and squash.

So, the correct responses would be:

- Eastern Woodlands: Relied on hunting
- Great Plains: Relied on hunting
- Southeast: Practiced slash-and-burn agriculture
- Southwest: Practiced agriculture

Drag and drop the descriptors to the correct category.

(2 points)
Slavery in West Africa Before European Exploration
Slavery in West Africa During European Exploration
::internal within West Africa
:: millions of people sent overseas
:: served the rulers and showed great wealth
:: provided human labor on plantations

Slavery in West Africa Before European Exploration:

- internal within West Africa
- served the rulers and showed great wealth

Slavery in West Africa During European Exploration:
- millions of people sent overseas
- provided human labor on plantations

Drag the descriptors to the correct category.

(2 points)
Prince Henry the Navigator
#sailed west to find a water route to Asia
:: designed ships for exploration
::received funding from Spanish monarchs
Christopher Columbus
::financed expeditions off the coast of Africa

Prince Henry the Navigator:

- designed ships for exploration
- received funding from Spanish monarchs

Christopher Columbus:
- financed expeditions off the coast of Africa
- sailed west to find a water route to Asia

How were Dutch colonization efforts different from those of other imperial nations?

(1 point)

They wanted to spread Catholicism.

They wanted to spread Catholicism.

They traded with Native American tribes.

They traded with Native American tribes.

They relied on funding from one large corporation.

They relied on funding from one large corporation.

They established temporary settlements in the Americas.

The correct responses are:

- They relied on funding from one large corporation.
- They established temporary settlements in the Americas.

How did England first attempt to challenge Spanish supremacy in the Americas?

(1 point)

establishing a colony in Roanoke, Virginia

establishing a colony in Roanoke, Virginia

establishing colonies in the Caribbean

establishing colonies in the Caribbean

seizing lands that Spain had claimed in Florida

seizing lands that Spain had claimed in Florida

seizing lands that Spain had claimed near the Mississippi River