Which part of the introductory paragraph states the ideas that will be described in an informative text?

The thesis
A report that shows how transportation changed over time
A chart showing types of beverages affect health
A video that shows the steps in cooking dish
Whether channels alert people when dangerous storms are near
Pizza hut is the most popular chain in america and it was founded in 1958
Cause and effect
Class-action lawsuit
Replacing went with dashed
Anne of Green Gables remains popular today because of its universal themes of love and belonging.
She added a random fact instead of addressing major themes.

The thesis

The part of the introductory paragraph that states the ideas that will be described in an informative text is the thesis.

The part of the introductory paragraph that states the ideas that will be described in an informative text is typically the thesis statement. The thesis statement is a concise summary of the main points or ideas that will be discussed and supported throughout the text. It acts as a roadmap for the reader, indicating what they can expect to learn or understand from reading the text.