Use the scenario to answer the question.

A scientist is conducting an investigation. The scientist uses a diagram to trace how water moves through the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere.

Which process is the scientist most likely investigating?

(1 point)



water cycle
water cycle

carbon cycle

water cycle

The scientist is most likely investigating the water cycle.

To determine which process the scientist is most likely investigating, we need to analyze the information given in the scenario. The scientist is using a diagram to trace how water moves through the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. Based on this information, the process that involves the movement of water through these different spheres is the water cycle.

To understand why the water cycle is the most likely process being investigated, let's break it down:

1. Atmosphere: The atmosphere is part of the water cycle because it contains water vapor. Water evaporates from different surfaces, such as oceans, lakes, and rivers, and rises into the atmosphere as water vapor.

2. Hydrosphere: The hydrosphere includes all the water on Earth's surface, including oceans, rivers, lakes, and groundwater. As part of the water cycle, water condenses in the atmosphere and forms clouds, which then release precipitation like rain, snow, or hail. This precipitation falls back to the hydrosphere, replenishing its water sources.

3. Lithosphere: The lithosphere refers to Earth's solid outer layer, which includes landforms like mountains, plateaus, and plains. As precipitation falls on land, it can follow various paths. Some water may flow across the surface, forming rivers and eventually returning to the hydrosphere. Other water may seep into the ground and become part of the groundwater or get absorbed by plants through their roots.

Considering this information, it is clear that the scientist is studying the movement of water through different spheres, indicating an investigation of the water cycle. Therefore, the correct answer is "water cycle."