Use the analogy to answer the question.

Watching from my room, I saw that my little brother was a ball of energy after his nap.

Which two things are correct?
a. room and ball of energy
b. brother and ball of energy
c. brother and nap
d. brother and room

b. brother and ball of energy

c. brother and nap

The correct answer is:

b. brother and ball of energy

This is because the analogy used in the statement is comparing the behavior of the little brother to a "ball of energy" after his nap. The analogy does not directly involve the concepts of "room" or "nap."

To answer this question using an analogy, we need to find a similar scenario. Let's imagine a situation where you are observing a friend after they finished a workout at the gym. In this analogy, the gym represents the room, your friend represents your little brother, and the energetic state after the workout represents the ball of energy.

Now, let's match the elements in the analogy to the options provided:

a. room and ball of energy - In the analogy, the gym (representing the room) is where your friend (representing your little brother) finished their workout (representing the nap). After the workout, your friend is a ball of energy (representing the energetic state). Therefore, this option is correct.

b. brother and ball of energy - In the analogy, your friend (representing your little brother) is the one who finished their workout (representing the nap). After the workout, your friend is a ball of energy (representing the energetic state). Therefore, this option is correct.

c. brother and nap - In the analogy, your friend (representing your little brother) finished their workout (representing the nap). Therefore, this option is correct.

d. brother and room - In the analogy, the gym (representing the room) is where your friend (representing your little brother) finished their workout (representing the nap). Therefore, this option is correct.

In conclusion, the two correct options are a. room and ball of energy, and b. brother and ball of energy.