Using the conversion 25.4 millimeters equals 1 inch, how many millimeters does 6 inches equal?

To convert inches to millimeters, we can use the conversion factor of 25.4 millimeters per inch.

So, to find out how many millimeters are in 6 inches, we can multiply 6 by 25.4:

6 inches * 25.4 millimeters per inch = 152.4 millimeters.

Therefore, 6 inches is equal to 152.4 millimeters.

To convert inches to millimeters using the conversion factor 25.4 millimeters equals 1 inch, you can follow the steps below:

Step 1: Multiply the number of inches by the conversion factor.
6 inches * 25.4 millimeters/1 inch

Step 2: Perform the multiplication to find the answer.
(6 * 25.4) millimeters

Step 3: Calculate the result.
The calculation gives us:
152.4 millimeters

Therefore, 6 inches is equal to 152.4 millimeters.

To convert inches to millimeters, you can use the conversion factor 25.4 millimeters per inch.

So, to find out how many millimeters are in 6 inches, you would multiply 6 by 25.4:

6 inches * 25.4 millimeters/inch = 152.4 millimeters

Therefore, 6 inches is equal to 152.4 millimeters.