Lake Profondo has a depth of 84 feet lakes in segundo is 5/6 as a day what is the elevation at the bottom of the lake sing segundo

To find the elevation at the bottom of the lake in Segundo, we need to multiply the depth of the lake by the fractional representation of 5/6.

The fractional representation of 5/6 is 5/6.

Therefore, the elevation at the bottom of the lake in Segundo is 84 feet times 5/6, which equals 70 feet.

To find the elevation at the bottom of the lake in segundo, we can multiply the depth of the lake by the fraction 5/6.

Step 1: Find the elevation at the bottom of Lake Profondo.
Lake Profondo has a depth of 84 feet.

Step 2: Calculate the elevation at the bottom of the lake in segundo.
To find the elevation in segundo, multiply the depth of Lake Profondo (84 feet) by the fraction 5/6:

Elevation in segundo = 84 feet * 5/6

Step 3: Perform the calculation.
To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators (top numbers) and the denominators (bottom numbers):

Elevation in segundo = (84 * 5) / (6)

Elevation in segundo = 420 / 6

Step 4: Simplify the fraction.
To simplify the fraction, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 6:

Elevation in segundo = 70 feet

Therefore, the elevation at the bottom of the lake in segundo is 70 feet.

To find the elevation at the bottom of Lake Profondo in Segundo, you'll need to determine what fraction of the depth of Lake Profondo represents the elevation at the bottom.

Step 1: Find the fraction of the depth of Lake Profondo in Segundo.
Given: Lake Profondo has a depth of 84 feet.
The depth of Lake Profondo in Segundo is 5/6.

To find the fraction that represents the elevation at the bottom, subtract the fraction representing the depth of Lake Profondo in Segundo from 1 (since the elevation at the bottom is what remains).
1 - 5/6 = 1/6

Step 2: Calculate the elevation at the bottom of Lake Profondo in Segundo.
Multiply the fraction representing the elevation at the bottom (1/6) by the depth of Lake Profondo.
1/6 * 84 = 14

Therefore, the elevation at the bottom of Lake Profondo in Segundo is 14 feet.