You work for 4 hours on Saturday and 8 hours on Sunday. You also receive a $50 bonus. You earn $164. How much did you earn per hour?(1 point)

To figure out how much you earn per hour, you first need to calculate the total number of hours you worked.

You worked for 4 hours on Saturday and 8 hours on Sunday, so the total number of hours worked is 4 + 8 = 12 hours.

Next, you subtract the $50 bonus from the total earnings: $164 - $50 = $114.

To find how much you earned per hour, you divide the total earnings by the total number of hours worked: $114 / 12 = $9.50 per hour.

Therefore, you earned $9.50 per hour.

To find out how much you earn per hour, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the total number of hours you worked.
Total hours worked = hours on Saturday + hours on Sunday
Total hours worked = 4 + 8
Total hours worked = 12

Step 2: Add the bonus to the total earnings.
Total earnings = $164 + $50
Total earnings = $214

Step 3: Divide the total earnings by the total number of hours worked to find the earnings per hour.
Earnings per hour = Total earnings / Total hours worked
Earnings per hour = $214 / 12
Earnings per hour ≈ $17.83

Therefore, you earned approximately $17.83 per hour.

To calculate the amount earned per hour, you need to divide the total earnings by the total number of hours worked.

First, let's determine the total number of hours worked. You worked 4 hours on Saturday and 8 hours on Sunday, so the total hours worked is 4 + 8 = 12 hours.

To find the amount earned per hour, you need to divide the total earnings ($164) by the total number of hours worked (12).

Dividing $164 by 12 gives us approximately $13.67.

Therefore, you earned approximately $13.67 per hour.