use scientific notation to determine which of these numbers has the greatest value: 654,987,034; 645,897,430; or 546,789,340. Write your answer the scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place. Whats the answer?

To determine which number has the greatest value, we can convert them into scientific notation and compare their exponents.

654,987,034 can be expressed as 6.54987034 × 10^8
645,897,430 can be expressed as 6.45897430 × 10^8
546,789,340 can be expressed as 5.46789340 × 10^8

Comparing the exponents, we can see that 6.54987034 × 10^8 is the largest value among the three numbers. Therefore, the number 654,987,034 has the greatest value.

To determine which of the given numbers has the greatest value using scientific notation, we need to express each number in scientific notation and compare their exponential values.

Let's convert each number into scientific notation:

1. 654,987,034 can be written as 6.54987034 × 10^8.
2. 645,897,430 can be written as 6.4589743 × 10^8.
3. 546,789,340 can be written as 5.4678934 × 10^8.

Now, compare the exponential values. Since all three have the same base (10), the number with the largest exponential value will be the one with the greatest value overall.

Comparing the exponentials, we find that 654,987,034 (6.54987034 × 10^8) has the greatest exponential value, making it the number with the greatest value overall.

Therefore, the number 654,987,034 has the greatest value when expressed in scientific notation.

To determine which of the given numbers has the greatest value using scientific notation, we need to express each number in scientific notation first.

1. 654,987,034 can be written as 6.54987034 x 10^8.
2. 645,897,430 can be written as 6.4589743 x 10^8.
3. 546,789,340 can be written as 5.4678934 x 10^8.

To compare the values, we look at the coefficient before the "x 10" part of each number. In this case, the coefficient with the greatest value is 6.54987034 x 10^8, which corresponds to the number 654,987,034.

Therefore, the number with the greatest value is 654,987,034 expressed in scientific notation as 6.54987034 x 10^8.

whats the exact decimal place?

Apologies for the confusion. The request for the "exact decimal place" in this context is not clear. The given numbers are already in standard form with the exact decimal place. If you require further clarification or if there's any specific information you're seeking, please let me know.