What is the sum of 6.3 * 10^3 and 2.41 * 10^4? use scientific notation to express your answer.

To add numbers in scientific notation, we need to make sure that they have the same exponent.

The given numbers are:
6.3 * 10^3
2.41 * 10^4

To make them have the same exponent, we can rewrite 6.3 * 10^3 as 0.63 * 10^4.

Now we have:
0.63 * 10^4
2.41 * 10^4

Adding these numbers gives us: 0.63 + 2.41 = 3.04

The answer in scientific notation is: 3.04 * 10^4.

To find the sum of 6.3 * 10^3 and 2.41 * 10^4, we first need to convert both numbers to decimal form. In scientific notation, 10 raised to an exponent indicates how many places the decimal point should be shifted to the right (if the exponent is positive) or to the left (if the exponent is negative).

6.3 * 10^3 can be converted to decimal form by moving the decimal point 3 places to the right, resulting in 6300.

2.41 * 10^4 can be converted to decimal form by moving the decimal point 4 places to the right, resulting in 24100.

Now, we can add the decimal values: 6300 + 24100 = 30400.

Finally, we express the sum in scientific notation by determining the appropriate exponent. Since the sum is greater than 10, we divide it by 10 and increase the exponent by 1. Therefore, the sum of 6.3 * 10^3 and 2.41 * 10^4 in scientific notation is 3.04 * 10^4.

To find the sum of 6.3 * 10^3 and 2.41 * 10^4, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert both numbers to the same exponent.

6.3 * 10^3 can be written as 0.63 * 10^4.
2.41 * 10^4 remains the same.

Step 2: Add the numbers.

0.63 * 10^4 + 2.41 * 10^4 = 3.04 * 10^4.

Therefore, the sum of 6.3 * 10^3 and 2.41 * 10^4 is 3.04 * 10^4 in scientific notation.

An American football field has an area of 6.4 * 10^3 square yards. A Canadian football field is 3,350 square yards larger. What is the area of a Canadian football field? write your answer in scientific notation to 2 decimal places.

To find the area of the Canadian football field, we will add the difference to the area of the American football field.

The area of the American football field is 6.4 * 10^3 square yards.

The Canadian football field is 3,350 square yards larger, so we add 3,350 to the area of the American football field:

6.4 * 10^3 + 3,350 = 6.4 * 10^3 + 3.35 * 10^3 = 9.75 * 10^3.

Therefore, the area of the Canadian football field is 9.75 * 10^3 square yards, expressed in scientific notation to 2 decimal places.

A human hair has a diameter of about 4 * 10^-3 inches. A fingernail is about 0.011 inches thicker. How thick is a fingernail? write your answer as a decimal to 3 places.

_ inches

To find the thickness of the fingernail, we need to add the thickness of the human hair (4 * 10^-3 inches) to the additional thickness of the fingernail (0.011 inches).

4 * 10^-3 inches + 0.011 inches = 0.015 inches.

Therefore, the thickness of the fingernail is 0.015 inches, written as a decimal to 3 places.

Add 7.3 * 10^7 + 1.8 * 10^7. which is the correct sum?

9.1 * 10^7

8.1 * 10^7

9.1 + 10^7

9.1 * 10^14

To add 7.3 * 10^7 and 1.8 * 10^7, we need to add the numbers in front of the exponential term (the coefficients) and keep the same exponent.

7.3 * 10^7 + 1.8 * 10^7 = 9.1 * 10^7.

Therefore, the correct sum is 9.1 * 10^7.