Which event/s had historical implications that contributed to

the storming of the Bastille? (1 point)
the rise of Napoleon because he wished to attack the
the Reign of Terror, as the Revolutionary government
convinced the people through fear to attack the Bastille
Louis XVI tried to run away and hide in the Bastille
the Tennis Court Oath because they were arrested for
their demands

the Tennis Court Oath because they were arrested for their demands

The event that had historical implications contributing to the storming of the Bastille was the Tennis Court Oath.

The event that had historical implications contributing to the storming of the Bastille was the Tennis Court Oath. The Tennis Court Oath occurred on June 20, 1789, when members of the Third Estate (representatives of the common people) who had been locked out of their usual meeting place during the French Revolution took a solemn vow not to disband until they had drafted a new constitution for France. This marked a significant moment in the Revolution as it showed the determination of the people to bring about political change.

Although none of the options you mentioned directly address the historical implications leading to the storming of the Bastille, it is important to note that the Tennis Court Oath played a crucial role in mobilizing public sentiment against the monarchy, ultimately leading to the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789. The storming of the Bastille was a significant event in the French Revolution as it symbolized a turning point in the struggle against the monarchy and marked the beginning of a more radical phase of the revolution. The fall of the Bastille became a powerful symbol of popular uprising against the monarchy and the aristocracy, and it fueled further revolutionary actions and unrest throughout France.