Jones is now twice as old as he was 5years ago and his mother is now 4 times as old as jones. How old is his mother now

Let x be Jones' age now.

Jones was x - 5 years old five years ago.
Jones is now 2(x - 5) = 2x - 10 years old.
Jones' mother is 4(2x - 10) = 8x - 40 years old.
Jones' mother is 8x - 40 years old now. Answer: \boxed{8x-40}.

To find out how old Jones's mother is now, we first need to determine Jones's current age. Let's go step-by-step:

1. Let's assume Jones's current age is 'x' years.
2. Five years ago, Jones's age would have been 'x - 5' years.
3. According to the given information, Jones is now twice as old as he was 5 years ago. So, we can write the equation: x = 2 * (x - 5).
4. Solving the equation will give us Jones's current age.

Let's solve the equation:

x = 2 * (x - 5)

Expanding the brackets:

x = 2x - 10

Rearranging the equation by subtracting '2x' from both sides:

-x = -10

Multiplying both sides by -1 to eliminate the negative sign:

x = 10

Jones is currently 10 years old.

Now that we know Jones's age, we can determine his mother's age:

According to the given information, Jones's mother is four times as old as Jones. Therefore, Jones's mother's age is:

Age of Jones's mother = Jones's age * 4 = 10 * 4 = 40

So, Jones's mother is currently 40 years old.

Let's go step by step to find the age of Jones' mother.

Let's assume Jones' current age is x years.
According to the first statement, "Jones is now twice as old as he was 5 years ago," we can write the equation:
x = 2(x - 5)

Now let's simplify the equation:
x = 2x - 10
10 = 2x - x
10 = x

Thus, Jones is currently 10 years old.

According to the second statement, "his mother is now 4 times as old as Jones," we can write the equation:
Mother's age = 4 * Jones' age
Mother's age = 4 * 10
Mother's age = 40

Therefore, Jones' mother is currently 40 years old.