what expression correctly uses parantheses to make the equation below true



To make the equation 8 × 4 - 2 + 9 = 17 true by using parentheses, you need to prioritize the order of operations. The order of operations is typically remembered using the acronym PEMDAS, which stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right).

Let's insert parentheses to properly group the terms:

8 × (4 - 2) + 9 = 17

In this case, we prioritize the subtraction inside the parentheses first:

8 × (2) + 9 = 17

Then we proceed with the multiplication:

16 + 9 = 17

Finally, we do the addition:

25 = 17

This equation is not true, meaning there is no configuration of parentheses that will make the original equation true.

To make the equation 8x4-2+9=17 true using parentheses, you can place parentheses around the expression "8x4" and the expression "2+9". Here is the correct expression:

(8x4)-(2+9) = 17