(15-8) x (3+8)

(15-8) x (3+8) =

7 x 11 =


To solve the expression (15-8) x (3+8), we need to follow the order of operations, which is commonly known as PEMDAS.

P: Parentheses first
E: Exponents (i.e., powers and square roots, etc.)
MD: Multiplication and Division (left-to-right)
AS: Addition and Subtraction (left-to-right)

First, let's solve the parentheses:

(15-8) x (3+8) = 7 x (3+8)

Next, we'll add the numbers inside the parentheses:

7 x (3+8) = 7 x 11

Finally, we multiply the numbers:

7 x 11 = 77

Therefore, the expression (15-8) x (3+8) simplifies to 77.

To calculate the expression (15-8) x (3+8), follow the order of operations, which is also known as the BIDMAS or PEMDAS rule. BIDMAS stands for brackets, indices, division and multiplication, and addition and subtraction.

Step 1: Perform the operations inside the brackets.
(15-8) x (3+8) = 7 x (3+8)

Step 2: Add the numbers inside the brackets.
(15-8) x (3+8) = 7 x 11

Step 3: Perform the multiplication operation.
(15-8) x (3+8) = 77

Therefore, the result of the expression (15-8) x (3+8) is 77.