Which statements below are TRUE of Charles's law? Choose the 3 correct statements.

There is an inverse relationship between temperature and volume.
There is a direct relationship between temperature and volume.
At constant pressure, if the temperature increases, the volume will decrease.
At constant pressure, if the temperature increases, the volume will increase.
At constant pressure, if the temperature decreases, the volume will increase.
At constant pressure, if the temperature decreases, the volume will decrease.

b, c, and f are the correct statements.

b. There is a direct relationship between temperature and volume.
c. At constant pressure, if the temperature increases, the volume will decrease.
f. At constant pressure, if the temperature decreases, the volume will decrease.

The three correct statements about Charles's law are:

b. There is a direct relationship between temperature and volume.

c. At constant pressure, if the temperature increases, the volume will decrease.

f. At constant pressure, if the temperature decreases, the volume will decrease.

To determine the correct statements about Charles's law, we need to understand the relationship between temperature and volume.

Charles's law states that at constant pressure, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature. This can be expressed as V/T = k, where V is the volume, T is the temperature, and k is a constant.

Now, let's analyze each statement:

a) There is an inverse relationship between temperature and volume.
This statement is false. According to Charles's law, there is a direct relationship, not an inverse relationship, between temperature and volume. So, statement a is incorrect.

b) There is a direct relationship between temperature and volume.
This statement is true. As mentioned above, Charles's law states that there is a direct relationship between temperature and volume. As temperature increases, the volume of the gas also increases. So, statement b is correct.

c) At constant pressure, if the temperature increases, the volume will decrease.
This statement is false. According to Charles's law, at constant pressure, if the temperature increases, the volume will also increase, not decrease. So, statement c is incorrect.

d) At constant pressure, if the temperature increases, the volume will increase.
This statement is true. According to Charles's law, at constant pressure, if the temperature increases, the volume increases. So, statement d is correct.

e) At constant pressure, if the temperature decreases, the volume will increase.
This statement is false. According to Charles's law, at constant pressure, if the temperature decreases, the volume will also decrease, not increase. So, statement e is incorrect.

f) At constant pressure, if the temperature decreases, the volume will decrease.
This statement is true. According to Charles's law, at constant pressure, if the temperature decreases, the volume decreases. So, statement f is correct.

In summary, the three correct statements about Charles's law are:

- There is a direct relationship between temperature and volume. (Statement b)
- At constant pressure, if the temperature increases, the volume will increase. (Statement d)
- At constant pressure, if the temperature decreases, the volume will decrease. (Statement f)