Elizabeth read 1920

of her book.

What percentage is equivalent to the fraction of the book that Elizabeth read?

To find the percentage equivalent to the fraction of the book that Elizabeth read, you can use the following formula:

Percentage = (Fraction * 100) / Total

In this case, the fraction is 1920 and the total is the entire book. Since we don't have information about the total number of pages in the book, we cannot determine the exact percentage.

To find the percentage equivalent to a fraction, you can use the following formula:

Percentage = (Fraction of the whole) x 100

In this case, the fraction of the book that Elizabeth read is 1920 out of the total number of pages in the book. However, you haven't mentioned the total number of pages in the book.

Let's assume the total number of pages in the book is 2400.

Now we can find the percentage equivalent to the fraction by substituting the values into the formula:

Percentage = (1920/2400) x 100

Simplifying this fraction, we get:

Percentage = 0.8 x 100

Therefore, the percentage equivalent to the fraction of the book that Elizabeth read is 80%.

To find the percentage equivalent to a fraction, you can multiply the fraction by 100.

Fraction of the book Elizabeth read = 1920/total number of pages in the book

To calculate the percentage, multiply this fraction by 100:

Percentage = (1920/total number of pages) * 100