unit 4 lesson 5 quiz

Canadian businesses and citizens have a lot of economic freedom because the government has a _ role in the economy.



The correct answer is limited.

To answer this question, you need to have knowledge of Canadian economics and the role of the government in the economy. If you don't have this information readily available, you can follow these steps to find the correct answer:

1. Access your course materials: Retrieve the Unit 4 Lesson 5 in your study materials, such as a textbook, lecture notes, or an online learning platform.
2. Review the lesson content: Read or listen to the information provided in Lesson 5, paying attention to the discussion on the role of government in the Canadian economy. Look for any mentions of economic freedom and the extent of government involvement.
3. Look for key phrases: Pay attention to keywords in the question, such as "economic freedom" and "government role." Identify any statements or explanations in the lesson material that align with these keywords.
4. Analyze the options: Examine each option provided in the question, namely: unlimited, limited, substantial, and controlling. Compare these options to the information you found in the lesson material and eliminate any options that do not match.
5. Determine the correct answer: Based on the information you obtained from reviewing the lesson content and analyzing the options, choose the option that best aligns with the role of the government in the Canadian economy.

Without access to the specific lesson material, I am unable to provide the exact answer. However, by following these steps, you should be able to find the correct answer to the quiz question.