Hembury was the king of what

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any information on a person named Hembury who was a king. It is possible that Hembury may not be a well-known or documented king in history. If you have any additional details or context, please provide them so that I can assist you further.

To find out who Hembury was the king of, we can start by searching for information about Hembury. This could involve performing a search engine query or accessing historical databases or references related to kings and monarchies. Let's try an initial search using a search engine:

1. Open a web browser and go to a search engine such as Google.
2. In the search bar, type "Hembury king" or "Hembury king of" and hit enter.
3. Look through the search results and click on reliable sources such as historical websites, books, or articles that may provide information about Hembury and his kingship.
4. Read through the information provided to determine who Hembury was the king of.

The search results should provide details about Hembury's reign, the kingdom or area he ruled over, and any notable historical events from his time as king.

I'm sorry, but I wasn't able to find any specific information about a person named "Hembury" being a King. It's possible that you may have misspelled the name or there might be a different context or historical figure associated with that name. If you have any additional details or if there's any other information I can provide, please let me know.