Using the Power Rule of Exponents, what is an equivalent form of (6°)3? (1 point)

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An equivalent form of (6°)3 using the Power Rule of Exponents is 0 63

To find an equivalent form of (6°)3 using the Power Rule of Exponents, we multiply the exponents.

The Power Rule of Exponents states that for any number a and positive integers m and n, (a^m)^n is equal to a^(m * n).

In this case, we have (6°)3. Using the Power Rule of Exponents, we can rewrite this as 6^(0 * 3).

Any number raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1.

Therefore, an equivalent form of (6°)3 is 1.

To simplify the expression (6^0)^3 using the Power Rule of Exponents, we need to understand the rule itself. The Power Rule states that when a power is raised to another power, we multiply the exponents.

In this case, we have (6^0)^3. The exponent outside the parentheses, 3, should be applied to the exponent inside the parentheses, which is 0. Therefore, we have 6^(0*3), which simplifies to 6^0.

The rule for any number raised to the power of 0 is that it equals 1. Therefore, we get 6^0 = 1.

Therefore, an equivalent form of (6^0)^3 is 1^3.

Since any number raised to the power of 1 is itself, we have 1^3 = 1.

Hence, the equivalent form of (6^0)^3 is 1.