Deseeew is making quacamole for a party the recipe she is using calls for 1/4 cup lime juice for every 4 avocados if she plans to use 1 cup of lime juice how many avocados does she need

If the recipe calls for 1/4 cup of lime juice for every 4 avocados, and she plans to use 1 cup of lime juice, she would need 4 times the number of avocados that would require 1/4 cup of lime juice.

So, she would need 4 * 4 = <<4*4=16>>16 avocados.

To determine how many avocados Deseeew needs if she plans to use 1 cup of lime juice, we can set up a proportion using the given information:

Ratio of lime juice to avocados in the recipe: 1/4 cup lime juice for every 4 avocados

Let's assign variables:
Let "x" represent the number of avocados needed.

Using the proportion, we can set up the equation:
1/4 cup lime juice = 1 cup lime juice
4 avocados = x avocados

Cross-multiplying, we get:
1 * x = 4 * 1
x = 4

Therefore, Deseeew needs 4 avocados if she plans to use 1 cup of lime juice for her guacamole.

To determine the number of avocados Deseeew needs if she plans to use 1 cup of lime juice, we can set up a proportion:

1/4 cup lime juice = 4 avocados
1 cup lime juice = x avocados

By cross-multiplying, we get:

1 cup lime juice * 4 avocados = 1/4 cup lime juice * x avocados

4 cups lime juice = 1/4x avocados

To solve for x, we can divide both sides of the equation by 1/4:

4 cups lime juice / 1/4 = (1/4)x avocados / (1/4)
4 * 4 = x avocados
16 = x

Therefore, Deseeew will need 16 avocados if she plans to use 1 cup of lime juice.