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Which of the following best describes the make up of Saturn's rings?(1 point)

material from comets that have passed through Saturn's atmosphere
material from comets that have passed through Saturn's atmosphere

debris and rocks from other planets that orbit around Saturn
debris and rocks from other planets that orbit around Saturn

solid bands of sand and dust that formed from the start of the universe
solid bands of sand and dust that formed from the start of the universe

dust, rock, and ice particles that orbit due to Saturn's gravity
dust, rock, and ice particles that orbit due to Saturn's gravity
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The correct response is: dust, rock, and ice particles that orbit due to Saturn's gravity.

To determine which of the following best describes the make-up of Saturn's rings, we need to understand the composition of the rings.

Saturn's rings are primarily composed of dust, rock, and ice particles that orbit due to Saturn's gravity. These particles range in size from micrometers to several meters in diameter. The rings are made up of countless individual ringlets, each consisting of these particles.

From the given options, the best description would be "dust, rock, and ice particles that orbit due to Saturn's gravity". This option accurately reflects the composition and formation of Saturn's rings due to the gravitational forces acting on these materials.

The best description of the makeup of Saturn's rings is: dust, rock, and ice particles that orbit due to Saturn's gravity.