what effect did the fugitive slave act have select two correct answers

1) The Fugitive Slave Act strengthened the institution of slavery by allowing slave owners to reclaim escaped slaves even if they had been living in free states. This had the effect of discouraging escape attempts by enslaved individuals and maintaining the profitability of slavery.

2) The Fugitive Slave Act intensified conflicts between Northern and Southern states by requiring free states to cooperate in the enforcement of slavery. This led to significant resistance and defiance from Northern abolitionists who opposed the act and supported the Underground Railroad to help escaped slaves reach freedom in Canada.

The Fugitive Slave Act had several effects. Two correct answers are:

1) Encouraged increased tensions between the North and the South: The Act required Northern states to cooperate in returning escaped slaves to their owners in the South. This caused friction between the two regions, as many Northerners opposed slavery and resented being forced to participate in its enforcement.

2) Strengthened the abolitionist movement: The Act outraged and galvanized many Northerners who previously may have been indifferent or only mildly opposed to slavery. It led to increased organizing, protests, and public support for the abolitionist cause, contributing to the growing anti-slavery sentiment in the North.

To determine the effects of the Fugitive Slave Act, we can follow these steps:

1. Understanding the Fugitive Slave Act: The Fugitive Slave Act was passed by the United States Congress in 1850 as part of the Compromise of 1850. It required the return of escaped slaves to their owners, regardless of whether they escaped from slave states or free states.

2. Research: To find the effects of the Fugitive Slave Act, we can consult reputable historical sources such as books, academic articles, or websites dedicated to history. These sources should provide information on the topic in question.

3. Analyzing the effects: Based on the sources, we can identify multiple effects of the Fugitive Slave Act. Here are two correct answers:

a) Increased tensions: The Act heightened tensions between the North and the South over the issue of slavery. Many Northern states, which had abolished slavery, opposed returning escaped slaves and considered the Act to be a violation of their states' rights.

b) Increased resistance and activism: The Act sparked increased resistance against the institution of slavery and led to the growth of the abolitionist movement. It motivated many individuals to actively assist escaped slaves, sometimes through acts of civil disobedience.

By following these steps, we can obtain the necessary information and select two correct answers regarding the effects of the Fugitive Slave Act.