How did the Grange respond to the challenges farmers faced in the late 1800s? Select the two correct answers. (1 point) Responses

A)It passed state laws to regulate railroad rates and grain elevator fees.
B)It issued the Omaha Platform of 1892 to state the goals of the farmers' movement.
C)It created cooperatives so farmers could pool their resources and bargain collectively.
D)It formed alliances with many other farmers' groups from various regions of the country.
E)It backed a subtreasury plan to give farmers cash-on-hand and control farm goods' prices.

A) It passed state laws to regulate railroad rates and grain elevator fees.

C) It created cooperatives so farmers could pool their resources and bargain collectively.

The correct answers are B) It issued the Omaha Platform of 1892 to state the goals of the farmers' movement, and C) It created cooperatives so farmers could pool their resources and bargain collectively.

To determine the correct answers, we need to understand how the Grange responded to the challenges faced by farmers in the late 1800s. To find the information, we can consult relevant historical sources or conduct a quick search online using keywords such as "Grange response to challenges faced by farmers late 1800s." Based on my knowledge, I can provide some guidance.

Option A) "It passed state laws to regulate railroad rates and grain elevator fees."

Option B) "It issued the Omaha Platform of 1892 to state the goals of the farmers' movement."

Option C) "It created cooperatives so farmers could pool their resources and bargain collectively."

Option D) "It formed alliances with many other farmers' groups from various regions of the country."

Option E) "It backed a subtreasury plan to give farmers cash-on-hand and control farm goods' prices."

Now let's go through each option:

A) It is true that the Grange responded to the challenges farmers faced by passing state laws to regulate railroad rates and grain elevator fees. This was done in an attempt to curb the power and abuses of railroad companies and grain elevator operators.

B) The Grange did issue the Omaha Platform of 1892, which outlined the goals of the farmers' movement. This platform included advocating for the establishment of a national railroad system, a graduated income tax, the direct election of Senators, and other reforms.

C) Creating cooperatives was also a response by the Grange to address the challenges farmers faced. By pooling their resources and bargaining collectively, farmers could gain better prices for their products and reduce their dependence on middlemen.

D) Forming alliances with other farmers' groups from various regions of the country was a strategy employed by the Grange to unify and strengthen their movement. By collaborating with other organizations, the Grange aimed to amplify their voice and exert pressure on policymakers.

E) The Grange did support a subtreasury plan as a response to the challenges faced by farmers. This plan proposed a system where the government would provide loans to farmers using their crops as collateral, thereby giving them cash-on-hand and allowing them to exert more control over their goods' prices.

Looking at the options, the correct answers are A) "It passed state laws to regulate railroad rates and grain elevator fees" and C) "It created cooperatives so farmers could pool their resources and bargain collectively."