How were indentured servants different from slaves?

A.Slaves were paid a small wage and indentured servants were forced to work for no
B. Indentured servants agreed to work for no money in exchange for land and tools after a certain period of time, while slaves were forced to work indefinitely.
C. Indentured servants worked indefinitely and slaves agreed to work for five years in exchange for freedom at the end of the five years.

D. Indentured servants earned wages but slaves did not.

B. Indentured servants agreed to work for no money in exchange for land and tools after a certain period of time, while slaves were forced to work indefinitely.

The correct answer is B. Indentured servants agreed to work for no money in exchange for land and tools after a certain period of time, while slaves were forced to work indefinitely.

To understand the differences between indentured servants and slaves, we need to look at their respective characteristics and conditions.

Indentured servants were individuals who willingly entered into a contractual agreement, known as an indenture, with another person or entity. Under this agreement, the indentured servant would work for a specified period of time, usually around four to seven years, in exchange for passage to a new country, land, tools, or other resources. They were essentially bound to their employer until the terms of their contract were fulfilled.

Indentured servants were not paid wages, but they were promised certain benefits upon completing their term of service, such as land, tools, or even money. Although they did not have personal freedom during their contract, they could eventually gain independence and become productive members of society.

On the other hand, slaves were individuals who were forced into bondage and treated as property. They had no rights or control over their labor and their status was typically inherited through generations. Slavery was a system of forced labor that was based on race and allowed owners to exploit and dehumanize their slaves without any legal repercussions. Slaves were not allowed to enter into voluntary agreements and had no prospect of gaining freedom or tangible benefits in exchange for their work.

In summary, while both indentured servants and slaves performed labor for others, the main distinction lies in the voluntary nature of the indentured servitude and the potential for eventual freedom and benefits, compared to the involuntary nature and lifelong servitude of slavery.

B. Indentured servants agreed to work for no money in exchange for land and tools after a certain period of time, while slaves were forced to work indefinitely.