What methods did the Incas use to unify their large empire

10 words

Road system, centralized government, and common language.

The Incas used methods like road construction and provincial administration.

In order to unify their large empire, the Incas employed various methods with limited words. Two key strategies they used were:

1. Road Construction: The Incas constructed an extensive network of roads spanning over 14,000 miles across their empire. These roads facilitated communication, trade, and transportation of troops. They allowed the Inca rulers to maintain control and quickly respond to any threats or rebellions throughout the empire.

2. Provincial Administration: The Incas divided their empire into provinces, each governed by a local ruler who answered to the Inca emperor. These provincial leaders, known as "curacas," were carefully selected and often chosen from local noble families. They were responsible for collecting taxes, maintaining order, and enforcing Inca policies. This decentralized system helped to ensure the loyalty and cooperation of subjects while also extending Inca influence into remote regions.

By implementing these methods, the Incas were able to create a centralized and tightly controlled empire that spanned vast distances and diverse territories.

Conquering, imposing their culture, building a road network, establishing bureaucracy.