which of the following best describes scribble ?

strategy for creating prespective by drawing a series of diagonal lines
strategy for creating prespective by drawing two lines that meet at a single point
strategy for creating value by drawing small linked circles
strategy for creating values by drawing intersecting lines

Strategy for creating perspective by drawing two lines that meet at a single point.

The strategy for creating perspective by drawing a series of diagonal lines best describes "scribble."

To determine which of the following options best describes "scribble," we can break down and analyze each option:

1. Strategy for creating perspective by drawing a series of diagonal lines: This describes a technique known as "hatching" rather than scribbling. Hatching involves creating shading or texture through the use of parallel diagonal lines.

2. Strategy for creating perspective by drawing two lines that meet at a single point: This technique is called "vanishing point perspective." It involves drawing converging lines that lead to a single point on the horizon, creating a sense of depth and distance.

3. Strategy for creating value by drawing small linked circles: This is referred to as the "stippling" technique. Stippling involves creating shading or texture by using small dots or circles placed strategically close together.

4. Strategy for creating values by drawing intersecting lines: This technique is known as "cross-hatching." It involves creating shading or texture by overlapping sets of parallel lines in different directions.

Based on the explanations above, we can determine that none of the provided options accurately describe scribbling as a strategy. Scribbling typically refers to a freeform or uncontrolled drawing technique, often characterized by quick, overlapping, and irregular lines without a specific purpose or objective.

Therefore, none of the options provided adequately describe scribbling.