when creating value when drawing a sphere, which of the following is true

shadows should not be used
start with darkest part of sphere first
start with lightest par of sphere first
cross hatching should be avoided to create shadows

The correct answer is: start with the lightest part of the sphere first.

When creating value in a drawing, it is generally recommended to start by blocking in the lightest areas and gradually building up the darker values. This helps to create the illusion of depth and form. Using shadows is an essential part of creating realistic and dimensional drawings, so they should be utilized. Cross-hatching can also be an effective technique for creating shadows and adding texture to a sphere.

When creating value when drawing a sphere, the following statement is true:

- Start with the darkest part of the sphere first.

Starting with the darkest part helps establish the overall contrast and depth of the sphere. By adding the shadows first, you can then add lighter values as needed to create a three-dimensional appearance.

When creating value in a drawing of a sphere, the following is true:

1. Shadows should be used: Shadows are crucial for creating the illusion of depth and volume in a drawing. They help define the form of the sphere and provide information about the light source. By properly rendering shadows, you can make the sphere appear three-dimensional.

2. Start with the lightest part of the sphere first: To create the illusion of volume and realistic light and shadow, it is generally recommended to begin shading from the lightest areas of the sphere. This allows you to establish the highlights and gradually build up the value and shadow areas.

3. Cross-hatching can be used to create shadows: Cross-hatching, a technique where lines are crisscrossed to create value, can be employed to render shadows in a drawing. It provides a textured and layered effect, adding depth to the shadows. However, it's important to control the density and spacing of the lines to ensure a smooth transition in value.

So, the accurate statement would be: "Shadows should be used, start with the lightest part of the sphere first, and cross-hatching can be used to create shadows."