✓29 -✓29=

To solve this equation, we need to understand that the symbol "√" represents the square root function. The square root of a number x is the value that, when multiplied by itself, equals x. However, when dealing with equations involving square roots, we need to consider the principle of even roots.

The principle of even roots states that the square root of a positive number has two possible solutions: one positive and one negative. For example, the square root of 9 is both +3 and -3 since both 3 and -3, when squared, equal 9.

Now, let's solve the equation √29 - √29:

First, identify that the expression √29 represents the positive square root of 29.

Since the equation has two identical terms, √29, on both sides, we can simplify it to 2√29.

Therefore, the equation becomes 2√29 - 2√29, which cancels out the two terms with the opposite signs, resulting in 0.

Thus, the solution to the equation √29 - √29 is equal to 0.

To find the value of √29 - √29, we can start by simplifying each square root separately.

First, let's simplify √29. Since 29 is not a perfect square, we cannot simplify it any further. Therefore, √29 remains as it is.

Next, let's simplify -√29. Since the negative sign is outside of the square root, it remains as it is. So, -√29 remains as -√29.

Now, we can subtract them both:

√29 - √29 = (√29) + (-√29)

The square root term cancels out:

(√29) + (-√29) = 0

So, the result of √29 - √29 is 0.