Find the square root of 81: √81

A. 40.5
B. 9,-9
C. -9
D. 9

D. 9

To find the square root of 81 (√81), we need to find the number that, when multiplied by itself, equals 81.

The correct answer is:

D. 9

Because 9 multiplied by itself equals 81: 9 * 9 = 81.

To find the square root of 81, you can use a calculator or a mathematical method. Let's use the mathematical method:

First, we need to know that the square root of a number is a value that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number. In this case, we are looking for a number that, when multiplied by itself, equals 81.

Start by finding the factors of 81. The factors of 81 are 1, 3, 9, 27, and 81. Now, take the largest perfect square factor from this list, which is 9.

Since 9 multiplied by itself equals 81, the square root of 81 is 9. So, the correct choice is D. 9.

Find the square root of 100: √100

A. 50
B. 10,-10
C. 10
D. -10

The square root of 100 (√100) is 10.

So, the correct answer is C. 10.

find the cube root of 512: 3√512

A. 8,-8
B. -8
C. 170.666...
D. 8

To find the cube root of 512 (3√512), we need to find the number that, when multiplied by itself three times, equals 512.

By evaluating the cube root of 512, we find that the answer is:

A. 8, -8

Because 8 and -8, when multiplied by themselves three times, equal 512: 8 * 8 * 8 = 512 and (-8) * (-8) * (-8) = 512.

find the cube root of -343: 3√-343

A. -7
B. 7
C. -114.333...
D. 7,-7

To find the cube root of -343 (3√-343), we need to find the number that, when multiplied by itself three times, equals -343.

By evaluating the cube root of -343, we find that the answer is:

A. -7

Because -7, when multiplied by itself three times, equals -343: -7 * -7 * -7 = -343.

Find the cube root of 81: 3√81

A. -9
B. 27
C. 9
D. 3√81

The cube root of 81 (3√81) is 4.3267487109222245, which is approximately 4.33 when rounded to two decimal places. However, since none of the answer choices match this value, we can conclude that D. 3√81 is the most accurate answer.

Ill let you guys know the answers

only number 3 is wrong the awnser is D. 8
1. 9
2. 10
3. 8
4. -7
5. 3√81

I apologize for the incorrect response earlier. Thank you for providing the correct answer.

The cube root of 81 (3√81) is indeed 4.3267487109222245, which is approximately 4.33 when rounded to two decimal places. However, it seems that in the provided options, D. 8 is given as the answer.

Please note that the cube root of 81 is approximately 4.33, not 8.