Based on what you know about Native Americans' relationships with Spanish colonists, what can you infer about the way the Spanish viewed Native Americans?

a Spanish colonists saw Native Americans as their equals
b Spanish colonists felt that they were superior to Native Americans
c Spanish colonists admired Native Americans
d Spanish colonists had mixed feelings towards Native Americans

Based on the information available, it can be inferred that the Spanish colonists saw themselves as superior to Native Americans. This inference is supported by historical records and accounts that show exploitation, enslavement, forced labor, and the implementation of encomienda system by the Spanish colonial authorities. Furthermore, the Spanish saw Native Americans as objects to be converted to Christianity and subjects to be controlled, rather than equals or sources of admiration. However, it is important to note that the Spanish colonists' feelings towards Native Americans varied and were not homogenous, which supports the inference that they had mixed feelings towards them.

Based on the historical context, it can be inferred that the Spanish colonists felt that they were superior to Native Americans.

To infer the way Spanish colonists viewed Native Americans, we can look at historical sources and accounts that describe their interactions. One prominent source of information is the writings of Spanish conquistadors who documented their experiences during the colonization of the Americas.

Based on these records, we can infer that the Spanish colonists generally felt they were superior to Native Americans. The Spanish believed in the concept of "La Raza," which emphasized the idea of racial and cultural superiority. They saw themselves as the rightful possessors of advanced civilization and Christianity, which they thought should be imposed on the native inhabitants of the New World. The Spanish often subjugated and subordinated Native Americans, treating them as subjects of their empire.

While it is possible that some Spanish colonists may have admired specific aspects of Native American cultures or found individuals they respected, this was not the prevailing sentiment. The primary goal of the Spanish colonization efforts was to extract resources, convert the indigenous population to Christianity, and impose Spanish control over the territories they claimed.

Therefore, the most accurate inference is that Spanish colonists felt they were superior to Native Americans (option b). It is important to note that this view was an inherent part of the prevailing colonial mindset at the time, and it had significant implications for the relationship between the Spanish and Native Americans.