Solve the following quadratic equation using the quadratic formula.






**Note: Make sure to enter both solutions together in the space provided using the ±

For example: x={12±10−−√}

(If you need help with this, reach out to your teacher.)

(1 point)


The quadratic formula is given by:

x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

For the equation -2x^2 - 7x + 13 = 0, we have a = -2, b = -7, and c = 13. Substituting these values into the quadratic formula, we get:

x = (-(-7) ± √((-7)^2 - 4(-2)(13))) / (2(-2))

x = (7 ± √(49 + 104)) / (-4)

x = (7 ± √(153)) / (-4)

Therefore, the solutions to the quadratic equation -2x^2 - 7x + 13 = 0 are:

x = (7 + √(153)) / (-4) and x = (7 - √(153)) / (-4)

To solve the quadratic equation −2x^2−7x+13=0 using the quadratic formula, we can use the formula:

x = (-b ± √(b^2-4ac)) / (2a)

In this case, the values of a, b, and c are:

a = -2
b = -7
c = 13

Now, let's substitute these values into the formula:

x = (-(-7) ± √((-7)^2 - 4(-2)(13))) / (2(-2))

Simplifying further:

x = (7 ± √(49 + 104)) / (-4)

x = (7 ± √(153)) / (-4)

Thus, the solutions to the quadratic equation −2x^2−7x+13=0 are:

x = (7 + √153) / -4
x = (7 - √153) / -4

Therefore, the solutions to the equation are x = (7 + √153) / -4 and x = (7 - √153) / -4.

To solve the quadratic equation −2x^2−7x+13=0 using the quadratic formula, we can use the following steps:

Step 1: Identify the coefficients of the variables a, b, and c.
In this equation, a = -2, b = -7, and c = 13.

Step 2: Substitute the values of a, b, and c into the quadratic formula:
x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a

Step 3: Calculate the discriminant (b^2 - 4ac):
Discriminant = (-7)^2 - 4(-2)(13)
Discriminant = 49 + 104
Discriminant = 153

Step 4: Substitute the discriminant value into the quadratic formula:
x = (-(-7) ± √(153)) / (2(-2))
x = (7 ± √(153)) / (-4)

Therefore, the solutions to the quadratic equation are:
x = (7 + √153) / (-4) and x = (7 - √153) / (-4)

Note: When writing the solutions together, we use the ± symbol.