What is one negative impact interdependence can have on places?

A.) increased international exposure
B.) increased poverty
C.) single-commodity reliance
D.) loss of unique identity

C.) single-commodity reliance

The correct answer is C.) single-commodity reliance. Interdependence can lead to a negative impact on places by creating a reliance on a single commodity for economic growth and development. This means that if the commodity experiences a decline in value or demand, the place's economy can suffer greatly. It can result in vulnerability, lack of diversification, and limited opportunities for growth in other sectors.

The negative impact of interdependence on places can be seen in various ways, and one such impact is the loss of unique identity. Interdependence refers to the reliance and interconnectedness among countries, regions, or communities for economic, social, or political reasons. While interdependence generally has many benefits, it can also lead to negative consequences.

The loss of unique identity is often observed when places become heavily dependent on external influences due to interdependence. This can occur when local cultures, traditions, and ways of life are overshadowed by global forces or when economic activities prioritize external interests over local interests. As a result, places may face challenges in preserving their distinct characteristics and traditions, leading to a loss of their cultural heritage.

To determine the negative impacts of interdependence, we can consider each option presented:

A) Increased international exposure: While increased international exposure can have positive effects such as cultural exchange and economic growth, it may not directly lead to negative impacts on places.

B) Increased poverty: Interdependence can contribute to poverty in some cases, especially if a place relies heavily on a single industry or commodity for its economic well-being. However, this option does not specifically address the loss of unique identity.

C) Single-commodity reliance: This option speaks directly to a negative impact of interdependence, known as single-commodity reliance. When a place heavily relies on a single commodity or industry, it becomes vulnerable to fluctuations in global markets, economic instability, and limited diversification. This can lead to economic hardships and an over-reliance on external factors, weakening the local economy and potentially resulting in a loss of unique identity.

D) Loss of unique identity: This option aligns directly with the negative impact mentioned earlier. When places become overly dependent on external influences, their unique identity can be eroded, resulting in a loss of cultural distinctiveness and local traditions.

Based on the explanations provided, option D, "loss of unique identity," is the correct choice for a negative impact of interdependence on places.