Fill in the blank with the appropriate vocabulary word from the call of the wild: “After John Thornton injury he was left at a cabin to complete his ________.”




After John Thornton's injury, he was left at a cabin to complete his convalescence.

Fill in the blank with the appropriate vocabulary word from The Call of the Wild: "After John Thornton's injury, he was left at a cabin to complete his __Convalescence__."

To find the appropriate vocabulary word from The Call of the Wild, we first need to understand the meanings of the given options: romp, convalescence, and exploit.

1. Romp: This word refers to a lively or playful activity.

2. Convalescence: This word refers to the period of time during which someone recovers or recuperates after an illness or injury.

3. Exploit: This word refers to a daring or notable achievement or accomplishment.

Given the context of the sentence provided, where John Thornton is left at a cabin after an injury, the most appropriate word to fill in the blank would be "convalescence." This term indicates the period of time during which John Thornton is recovering from his injuries at the cabin.