A farmer has 120 bushels of for sale at a​ farmer's market. He sells an average of 14 5/8 bushels each day. After 5 ​days, what is the change in the total number of bushels the farmer has for sale at the​ farmer's market?

Write a signed number representing the change in the total number of bushels the farmer has for sale.
​(Type an​ integer, proper​ fraction, or mixed​ number.)

To find the change in the total number of bushels the farmer has for sale, we need to subtract the number of bushels sold from the initial 120 bushels.

The farmer sells an average of 14 5/8 bushels each day, so after 5 days, he sells a total of 14 5/8 * 5 = 73 1/8 bushels.
Therefore, the change in the total number of bushels the farmer has for sale is 120 - 73 1/8.
To subtract mixed numbers, we need to make sure the fractions have the same denominator.
73 1/8 can be rewritten as 72 9/8.
120 - 72 9/8 = 120 - (72 * 8 + 9)/8 = 120 - (576 + 9)/8 = 120 - 585/8.
To subtract fractions, we need to find a common denominator, which in this case is 8.
120 - 585/8 = (120 * 8)/8 - 585/8 = 960/8 - 585/8 = (960 - 585)/8 = 375/8.
Therefore, the change in the total number of bushels the farmer has for sale is 375/8.

To find the change in the total number of bushels the farmer has for sale after 5 days, we need to calculate the total number of bushels he sells in 5 days and subtract it from the initial total of 120 bushels.

To calculate the total number of bushels the farmer sells in 5 days, we need to multiply the average daily sales by the number of days: 14 5/8 x 5.

To multiply a mixed number by a whole number, we can first convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. 14 5/8 can be written as 14 + 5/8 = 114/8 + 5/8 = 119/8.

Now we can multiply this fraction by 5: (119/8) x 5 = 595/8.

To subtract the total number of bushels sold in 5 days from the initial total of 120 bushels, we need to subtract 595/8 from 120.

To do this, we need to find a common denominator for 8 and 8, which is 8.

We can rewrite 120 as 960/8, which has the same value.

Now we can subtract the fractions: 960/8 - 595/8 = (960 - 595)/8 = 365/8.

Therefore, the change in the total number of bushels the farmer has for sale after 5 days is 365/8.

To find the change in the total number of bushels the farmer has for sale at the farmer's market after 5 days, we need to subtract the amount sold from the starting amount.

Starting amount of bushels: 120 bushels
Amount sold each day: 14 5/8 bushels

To find the total amount sold after 5 days, we need to multiply the amount sold each day by the number of days:

Amount sold after 5 days = (14 5/8) * 5

To multiply a mixed number by a whole number, we convert the mixed number to an improper fraction:

14 5/8 = 8 * 14 + 5 = 117/8

Now we can perform the multiplication:

Amount sold after 5 days = (117/8) * 5

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators together and the denominators together:

Amount sold after 5 days = (117 * 5) / (8 * 1)
= 585/8

So, the farmer has sold 585/8 bushels after 5 days.

To find the change in the total number of bushels the farmer has for sale, we subtract the amount sold after 5 days from the starting amount:

Change in bushels = Starting amount - Amount sold after 5 days
= 120 - 585/8

To subtract whole numbers and fractions, we need to convert the whole number to a fraction with the same denominator as the fraction:

120 = 120/1

Now we can make the denominators the same and perform the subtraction:

Change in bushels = (120/1) - (585/8)
= (120 * 8 - 585) / 8
= (960 - 585) / 8
= 375/8

So, the change in the total number of bushels the farmer has for sale after 5 days is 375/8 bushels.