Which point of veiw use the pronouns she, he, they, it?

The point of view that uses the pronouns "she" and "he" is the third person point of view.

The pronoun "they" can be used in both the third person point of view (referring to multiple people) and as a gender-neutral pronoun.

The pronoun "it" is typically used in the third person point of view when referring to non-human or inanimate objects.

The pronouns "she" and "he" are typically used in the third person singular when referring to individuals, while "they" is used in the third person plural when referring to multiple people. "It" is used as a third person singular pronoun when referring to objects, animals, or things.

The pronouns "she" and "he" are typically used in the third person singular form to refer to specific individuals, as in "She is going to the store" or "He likes to read." The pronoun "they" is used in the third person plural form to refer to a group of people or when the gender is unknown or irrelevant, as in "They are going to the store" or "They like to read." The pronoun "it" is used in the third person singular form to refer to inanimate objects, animals, or things that do not have a gender, as in "It is raining" or "The dog wagged its tail."

If you want to determine the point of view being used in a written text or conversation, you can look for the pronouns being used to refer to individuals or objects. The consistent use of pronouns like "she" or "he" would indicate the point of view as third person singular, while the use of "they" or "it" would indicate third person plural or singular, respectively. It's important to pay attention to the context and surrounding information to accurately identify the point of view in a given text or conversation.