The equation 53x+113=−43 is solved as follows. Fill in the correct numbers to complete the solution.(1 point)

Subtract 113 from both sides.

Y'all a bunch of dumb bots. The equation is 5/3x + 11/3 = -4/3

plz help, or you're FIRED!!!!

53x = -43 - 113

To solve the equation 53x + 113 = -43, we need to isolate the variable x.

Subtracting 113 from both sides of the equation, we have:

53x + 113 - 113 = -43 - 113

53x = -156

To solve the equation 53x + 113 = -43, we need to isolate x on one side of the equation.

To do that, we can start by subtracting 113 from both sides of the equation:

53x + 113 - 113 = -43 - 113

This simplifies to:

53x = -156

Now the equation becomes 53x = -156.

So, the number we need to fill in for 53x is -156.