What should you always remember to do when the ball makes contact with the bat?

(1 point)


Make eye contact with the pitcher
Make eye contact with the pitcher

Finish the swing
Finish the swing

Throw the bat
Throw the bat

Finish the swing

The correct response is: Finish the swing.

When the ball makes contact with the bat in baseball or softball, there are a few things you should always remember to do. One of these things is to finish the swing. This means following through with the full motion of your swing after making contact with the ball. By doing so, you maximize your power and control over the hit.

Another important thing to remember is to make eye contact with the pitcher. This allows you to see if the pitcher reacts to your hit or if they make any defensive moves, such as trying to catch the ball or field it.

Throwing the bat is not something you should do when the ball makes contact with the bat. In fact, throwing the bat is considered a dangerous and unsportsmanlike behavior. Proper batting technique involves a controlled release of the bat after the swing, typically done by letting it drop naturally to the side or behind you.

Finally, screaming is not necessary when the ball makes contact with the bat. While some players may show their excitement or enthusiasm in this way, it is not a requirement or a recommended behavior in baseball or softball.

In summary, when the ball makes contact with the bat, always remember to finish the swing, make eye contact with the pitcher, and refrain from throwing the bat or screaming.