The establishment of what government was greatly influenced by the writings of John Locke? (1 point) the republic of the United States the monarchy of England the English republic the monarchy of the United States

The establishment of the government of the United States was greatly influenced by the writings of John Locke.

The establishment of the government greatly influenced by the writings of John Locke is the republic of the United States.

The establishment of the government of the United States was greatly influenced by the writings of John Locke. To arrive at this answer, we can use a process of elimination based on our knowledge of John Locke's ideas and their impact on different countries.

First, let's consider the monarchy of England. While John Locke's writings, particularly his Second Treatise of Government, criticized the absolute power of monarchs, they were not the primary influence on the establishment of the English monarchy. Therefore, we can eliminate this option.

Next, let's look at the English republic. John Locke's ideas did have some influence during the English Civil War, which led to the temporary establishment of the English republic under Oliver Cromwell. However, this republic did not have a lasting impact, and John Locke's philosophies had a much more significant influence on another country's government. So, we can eliminate this option as well.

Moving on to the monarchy of the United States, it's important to note that the United States does not have a monarchy. The founding of the United States was a revolutionary effort that aimed to break away from the rule of the British monarchy. So, we can eliminate this option too.

Finally, this leaves us with the option of the republic of the United States. John Locke's ideas greatly influenced the Founding Fathers of the United States, who sought to create a government based on the principles of individual liberty, natural rights, and limited government. The U.S. Constitution, in many ways, reflects Locke's ideas, particularly in terms of the protection of individual rights and the idea of government by consent. Therefore, the correct answer is the republic of the United States.