Do larger clouds increase or decrease the globa temperature?

PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To determine whether larger clouds increase or decrease global temperature, we need to consider the role of clouds in the Earth's energy balance. Here's how you can understand it better:

1. Understand the greenhouse effect: The Earth’s atmosphere contains greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and water vapor, which trap some of the sun's heat and prevent it from escaping into space. This is known as the greenhouse effect.

2. Know the two types of clouds: In the atmosphere, clouds can either have a warming effect (thick, low-level clouds) or a cooling effect (thin, high-level clouds). The effect depends on their altitude, composition, and thickness.

3. Warmer climate with thick low-level clouds: Low-level clouds, like stratocumulus clouds, generally reflect sunlight back into space. However, they also trap some of the Earth's heat, acting as a blanket and preventing it from escaping. If these clouds increase, they can raise global temperatures by trapping more heat.

4. Cooler climate with thin high-level clouds: High-level clouds, such as cirrus clouds, are composed of ice crystals and have a net cooling effect. They reflect sunlight back into space and allow more heat to escape from the Earth's surface. If these clouds increase, they can lead to a cooling effect and potentially decrease global temperatures.

5. Consider cloud feedbacks: Clouds can also respond to changes in temperature and atmospheric conditions. For example, as the temperature rises due to global warming, it can influence cloud cover and water vapor content, ultimately affecting the overall climate system. These cloud feedbacks are complex and can vary in different regions.

It's important to note that the overall impact of clouds on global temperature is still an active area of research, and there are ongoing studies to better understand their complexities and feedbacks.