Around 1200 CE, what early civilization in Cambodia built the Angkor Wat temple?

A) Han Chinese
B) Khmer
C) Sumatran
D) Thai

B) Khmer

B) Khmer

To determine which early civilization in Cambodia built the Angkor Wat temple around 1200 CE, we can eliminate the wrong options by understanding the history of the region.

A) The Han Chinese is not the correct answer. While the Han Chinese had interactions with various civilizations during this period, they were not responsible for building the Angkor Wat temple.

B) The Khmer is the correct answer. The Angkor Wat temple was built by the Khmer civilization, which was the predominant civilization in Cambodia during that time. The temple served as a center of worship for the Khmer people and is considered a symbol of their cultural and architectural achievements.

C) The Sumatran is not the correct answer. While the region of Sumatra had its own significant civilizations and cultural contributions, they were not responsible for constructing the Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia.

D) The Thai is not the correct answer. The Thai people were not responsible for building the Angkor Wat temple, as it predates the rise of the Thai kingdoms in the region.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) Khmer.