In a boat race, the boats all sail the same distance. In addition to the distance covered, what information is necessary to calculate the winner?(1 point) Responses The time each boat takes to get to the finish line The time each boat takes to get to the finish line The skill of each boat’s crew The skill of each boat’s crew The wind’s speed The wind’s speed Each boat’s size

The time each boat takes to get to the finish line

To calculate the winner in a boat race, in addition to the distance covered, you would need the following information:

1. The time each boat takes to reach the finish line: This is crucial in determining the winner, as the boat that completes the race in the shortest amount of time would be considered the winner.

2. The skill of each boat's crew: The expertise and proficiency of the crew members operating the boats can have a significant impact on the boat's performance and speed. A more skilled crew is likely to complete the race faster.

3. The wind's speed: Wind plays a significant role in sailing, and the speed and direction of the wind can affect the boats' performance. A stronger wind can help propel the boats faster, whereas a lack of wind may slow them down.

4. Each boat's size: The size of the boat can also be a factor in determining the winner. Generally, larger boats have more space for sails and can capture more wind, allowing them to potentially sail faster. However, this factor alone is not sufficient to ascertain the winner unless there are specific boat class rules in place that consider size.

In summary, to calculate the winner in a boat race, you need the time each boat takes to reach the finish line, the skill of each boat's crew, the wind's speed, and potentially the size of each boat.

To calculate the winner of a boat race, in addition to the distance covered, the following information is necessary:

1. The time each boat takes to get to the finish line: This is crucial as it determines the boat's speed and efficiency in completing the race.

2. The skill of each boat's crew: The competence and experience of the crew can significantly impact the boat's performance during the race.

3. The wind's speed: The wind conditions can affect the boats' speed and maneuverability, so knowing the wind's speed is important for determining the final results.

4. Each boat's size: The size of the boats can influence their speed and stability in different weather conditions, thus impacting their performance in the race.

Therefore, to accurately calculate the winner of a boat race, one needs to consider the time taken by each boat, the skill of each boat's crew, the wind's speed, and each boat's size.