Why did the United States go to war with North Vietnam? (1 point) Responses to defend it from China to defend it from China to end French rule to end French rule to stop the spread of communism to stop the spread of communism to help the nation win independence

The United States went to war with North Vietnam to stop the spread of communism.

The United States went to war with North Vietnam primarily to stop the spread of communism.

The United States went to war with North Vietnam primarily to stop the spread of communism. To understand why, we can look at the historical context.

The conflict in Vietnam can be traced back to the period after World War II when Vietnam was still under French colonial rule. Around the mid-20th century, a resistance movement called the Viet Minh, led by Ho Chi Minh, emerged in Vietnam. They fought against French colonialism and sought Vietnamese independence.

As the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union unfolded, the United States was concerned about the spread of communism. They believed that if one country fell to communism, it might create a domino effect, with neighboring countries following suit. This was known as the domino theory.

When the French were defeated at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954, they decided to withdraw from Vietnam. A temporary division was agreed upon at the Geneva Conference, which divided Vietnam into two separate countries at the 17th parallel – North Vietnam (led by Ho Chi Minh) and South Vietnam (led by Ngo Dinh Diem).

The United States supported and backed the South Vietnamese government because they saw it as an ally in the fight against communism. Initially, American involvement was limited to providing military advisors, financial aid, and training to the South Vietnamese forces.

However, as the conflict escalated, with the Viet Cong (a communist guerrilla force allied with North Vietnam) gaining strength in the South, the United States gradually increased its military involvement. This eventually led to a full-scale war between the United States and North Vietnam, known as the Vietnam War.

So, to summarize, the United States went to war with North Vietnam primarily to stop the spread of communism and support South Vietnam in its fight against communist forces.