Formal language should avoid which element?

A Facts
B Strong word choice
C Varied Sentences
D Slang

The correct answer is D Slang.

Formal language should avoid:

D. Slang

Slang refers to informal language and colloquial expressions that are typically used in casual or informal settings. In formal language, it is important to use proper and standard vocabulary and avoid language that is considered informal or inappropriate in professional settings.

The correct answer is D) Slang.

To determine the correct answer, it is important to understand the purpose and characteristics of formal language. Formal language is typically used in professional, academic, and official settings where clarity, professionalism, and respect are crucial. It follows a specific set of grammatical and syntactical rules that promote clarity and precision in communication.

Formal language tends to avoid elements that might hinder understanding or diminish its professional tone. Slang, which consists of informal, unconventional words or phrases specific to a region, group, or subculture, is generally not appropriate in formal contexts. This is because slang can be subjective, ambiguous, or unfamiliar to certain audiences, leading to confusion or misinterpretation. It also lacks the precision and clarity that formal language aims to achieve.

To arrive at this answer independently, you could have eliminated the other options by considering their relevance to formal language. Here's a breakdown of the other options:

A) Facts: Formal language may include facts, provided they are accurate and properly supported. Facts can contribute to the credibility and authority of formal language, as long as they are appropriately cited and referenced.

B) Strong word choice: Strong word choice involves selecting words with impact, precision, and clarity. This is usually encouraged in formal language since it can enhance the effectiveness of the communication. Therefore, strong word choice is not something to be avoided in formal language.

C) Varied Sentences: Varied sentences, including different structures, lengths, and types, can add depth and interest to formal writing. Using varied sentences appropriately can help maintain the reader's engagement and prevent the writing from becoming monotonous. Therefore, varied sentences are not typically avoided in formal language.

In conclusion, formal language should avoid using slang, which makes option D) the correct answer.