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Which statements best describe similarities between the Middle Colonies and the New England Colonies? Select all that apply.
(1 point)

Both regions were settlements that allowed debtors to start over.
Both regions were settlements that allowed debtors to start over.

Both had mostly good relationships with Native Americans, even though there were some conflicts.
Both had mostly good relationships with Native Americans, even though there were some conflicts.

Both relied on slavery to help them with farming.
Both relied on slavery to help them with farming.

Both had some groups that settled for religious rea


Both had some groups that settled for religious reasons.

To answer this question, we need to compare the Middle Colonies and the New England Colonies to determine the similarities between them. Here is how you can approach finding the answer:

1. Research the Middle Colonies: Look for information about the Middle Colonies, including their location, founding, and major characteristics. Note any key details that may relate to the question.

2. Research the New England Colonies: Similarly, look for information about the New England Colonies, such as their location, founding, and notable features. Take note of any relevant points that may help in identifying similarities.

3. Compare the colonies: Based on your research, make a list of similarities between the Middle Colonies and the New England Colonies. Consider factors such as settlements for debtors, relationships with Native Americans, reliance on slavery, and religious motivation for settlement. Note any shared characteristics or commonalities you come across.

4. Review the response options: Read through the provided response options carefully. Determine which statements align with your list of similarities between the two colonial regions.

5. Select the correct statements: Based on your analysis of the Middle Colonies and the New England Colonies, choose the statements that accurately describe shared similarities between the two regions. Remember that you may need to select multiple options if more than one statement applies.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify the correct responses that describe the similarities between the Middle Colonies and the New England Colonies.


Both had some groups that settled for religious reasons.

Both regions had a diverse population with people from various European countries.
Both regions had a diverse population with people from various European countries.

is that the only one

Yes, based on the given response options and the information provided, those are the only two statements that accurately describe similarities between the Middle Colonies and the New England Colonies.