Tom is given the equation 10x+15=20

to solve. He says the solution is 12
. Which reason justifies his solution?(1 point) a b c d

Tom says that to solve the equation you first divide by 10 and then subtract 15.
Tom says that to solve the equation you first divide by 10 and then subtract 15.

Tom says that to solve the equation you first subtract 15 and then multiply by 10.
Tom says that to solve the equation you first subtract 15 and then multiply by 10.

Tom says that to solve the equation you first add 15 and then divide by 10.
Tom says that to solve the equation you first add 15 and then divide by 10.

Tom says that to solve the equation you first subtract 15 and then divide by 10.

Tom's solution is not justified because the correct process is to first subtract 15 and then divide by 10.

The correct reason that justifies Tom's solution is:

Tom says that to solve the equation, you first subtract 15 and then divide by 10.

Tom's solution is incorrect.

To solve the equation 10x + 15 = 20, we need to isolate the variable x.

The correct steps to solve the equation are:

1. Subtract 15 from both sides: 10x + 15 - 15 = 20 - 15, which simplifies to 10x = 5.
2. Divide both sides by 10: (10x)/10 = 5/10, which simplifies to x = 0.5.

Therefore, the correct solution to the equation is x = 0.5.

Tom's reason, "Tom says that to solve the equation you first subtract 15 and then divide by 10," is not valid. It is important to ensure the correct order of operations when solving equations.



None of the given options justifies Tom's solution. Tom's solution is incorrect as he stated that the solution is 12, which does not satisfy the equation 10x + 15 = 20.

a b c or d

None of the options a, b, c, or d justifies Tom's solution. Tom's solution is incorrect as he stated that the solution is 12, which does not satisfy the equation 10x + 15 = 20. The correct solution to the equation is x = 0.5.

Dr. Burrows is measuring the weight of a substance for a science experiment. He added a mystery substance (m) to his experiment. Dr. Burrows used the equation 13.93 + m = 18.0 to find out how much he added. How much of the mystery substance (m) did he add to his experiment?(1 point)






To find out how much of the mystery substance (m) Dr. Burrows added to his experiment, we need to isolate the variable m.

Given equation: 13.93 + m = 18.0

To isolate m, we subtract 13.93 from both sides of the equation:

(13.93 + m) - 13.93 = 18.0 - 13.93


m = 18.0 - 13.93

m = 4.07

Therefore, Dr. Burrows added 4.07 units of the mystery substance (m) to his experiment.

Correct option: 4.07

Five times what number plus 10 equals 20?(1 point)

