Reexplain the following exercise in a correct way "We were all given characters and our characters were a big family with different characteristics. There was a conflict within our characters and we all had to handle the conflict exactly as your given character would"

In this exercise, each of us were assigned specific characters who were part of a large family with distinct traits. Within our assigned characters, a conflict arose, and the task was to navigate and resolve the conflict based on the unique characteristics of our individual characters.

In this exercise, everyone in the group was assigned a character. These characters formed a large family with unique traits and personalities. Within the family, a conflict arose, and each person had to address the conflict based on their assigned character's behavior and qualities.

Certainly! Here's a rephrased explanation of the exercise you mentioned:

In this exercise, each of us was assigned a character, and these characters formed a large family with unique traits and behaviors. Within this family, a conflict arose among the characters. The goal of the exercise was for each of us to address the conflict in a way that accurately represented how our assigned character would handle it. It involved considering the motivations, personality, and perspectives of our characters in order to respond authentically to the conflict.