The meaning of family in the Spanish-speaking world ___________. (1 point) Responses includes the extended family includes the extended family is limited to immediate family members is limited to immediate family members includes everyone in the community

Further information is needed to provide an accurate answer. The meaning of family can vary among different Spanish-speaking cultures.

The meaning of family in the Spanish-speaking world includes the extended family.

To determine the meaning of family in the Spanish-speaking world, one can conduct research or consult trustworthy sources such as books, articles, or testimonials from individuals who are native to Spanish-speaking countries. It is important to note that the concept of family can vary across cultures and individuals, and generalizations may not fully capture the diversity of perspectives.

That being said, it is commonly understood that the definition of family in the Spanish-speaking world often includes the extended family. This means that relatives beyond immediate family members, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and sometimes even close family friends, are considered part of the familial unit.

However, it is also important to consider that notions of family can differ based on various factors, including geographical location, social customs, and personal beliefs. Therefore, it is not accurate to claim that the meaning of family in the Spanish-speaking world is limited to immediate family members or includes everyone in the community for all individuals and regions within the Spanish-speaking world.