The picture below shows Peggy's new racetrack. It has different starting positions and an upside-down loop for cars to go through. She has 3 cars that she wants to try on the track: a sports car, a truck, and a jeep.

Peggy knows that height can change how fast a car will go. Which experiment will help Peggy choose the starting position that allows every car to complete the loop?
an experiment where Peggy drops each car from different starting heights multiple times and records which heights allow all three cars to complete the loop every time

an experiment where Peggy drops each car from the same starting height and measures the amount of time it takes each car to complete the loop

an experiment where Peggy drops each car from different starting heights multiple times and measures how far each car goes on the course after completing the loop


an experiment where Peggy drops each car from different starting heights multiple times and records which heights allow all three cars to complete the loop every time

To determine the starting position that allows every car to complete the loop, Peggy can conduct the following experiment:

A. An experiment where Peggy drops each car from different starting heights multiple times and records which heights allow all three cars to complete the loop every time.

By conducting this experiment, Peggy can observe which heights of the starting position ensure that all three cars successfully complete the loop every time. This method directly addresses Peggy's goal of finding the starting position that allows every car to complete the loop.

The experiment that will help Peggy choose the starting position that allows every car to complete the loop is option A: an experiment where Peggy drops each car from different starting heights multiple times and records which heights allow all three cars to complete the loop every time. This experiment will determine the minimum height required for each car to successfully complete the loop, ensuring that Peggy chooses a starting position that allows all three cars to complete the loop without fail.

Students are investigating energy transfer in the laboratory. The students use rubber bands and rulers for their investigation. They attach a rubber band to each ruler, pull the band back, and allow the band to launch from the ruler. The diagram shows their set up.

The results of their investigation are shown.

Ruler Distance Band Is Pulled Back
(centimeters) Distance Band Travels (centimeters)
1 5 61
2 10 122
3 15 213
4 20 366
Which statement best describes the results of their investigation?
The more potential energy the band has, the more kinetic energy is transferred, and the farther the band travels.

The less potential energy the band has, the more kinetic energy is transferred, and the farther the band travels.

The more kinetic energy the band has, the more potential energy is transferred, and the farther the band travels.

The less kinetic energy the band has, the more potential energy is transferred, and the farther the band travels.
correct answers only


The more potential energy the band has, the more kinetic energy is transferred, and the farther the band travels.

Students are investigating energy transfer in the laboratory. The students use rubber bands and rulers for their investigation. They attach a rubber band to each ruler, pull the band back, and allow the band to launch from the ruler. The diagram shows their set up.

The results of their investigation are shown.

Ruler Distance Band Is Pulled Back
(centimeters) Distance Band Travels (centimeters)
1 5 61
2 10 122
3 15 213
4 20 366
Which statement best describes the results of their investigation?
The more potential energy the band has, the more kinetic energy is transferred, and the farther the band travels.

The less potential energy the band has, the more kinetic energy is transferred, and the farther the band travels.

The more kinetic energy the band has, the more potential energy is transferred, and the farther the band travels.

The less kinetic energy the band has, the more potential energy is transferred, and the farther the band travels.

what is the correct answer

The correct answer is A. The more potential energy the band has, the more kinetic energy is transferred, and the farther the band travels.

A student is investigating the transfer of potential energy into kinetic energy. The student uses a slingshot and a marble, as shown in the diagram.

The steps of the student's investigation are shown.

Step 1 Place the marble in the slingshot, pull back on the sling to a distance of 15 centimeters, release the sling, and record the distance the marble travels.
Step 2 Place the marble in the slingshot, pull back on the sling to a distance of 10 centimeters, release the sling, and record the distance the marble travels.
Step 3 Place the marble in the slingshot, pull back on the sling to a distance of 5 centimeters, release the sling, and record the distance the marble travels.
What will MOST LIKELY be the result of this investigation?

The marble released from a distance of 5 centimeters will have the most potential energy transferred into kinetic energy, causing the marble to travel the farthest.

The marble released from a distance of 15 centimeters will have the most potential energy transferred into kinetic energy, causing the marble to travel the farthest.

The marble released from a distance of 5 centimeters will have the least potential energy transferred into kinetic energy, causing the marble to travel the farthest.

The marble released from a distance of 15 centimeters will have the least potential energy transferred into kinetic energy, causing the marble to travel the farthest.

what is the correct answer?

B. The marble released from a distance of 15 centimeters will have the most potential energy transferred into kinetic energy, causing the marble to travel the farthest.

The diagram models a device that was the foundation for the modern electrical turbine.

Which of the following is causing the wheel to turn?
Force from the mechanical energy generated by the solar radiation causes the wheel to turn.

Force from the mechanical energy generated by the moving water causes the wheel to turn.

Force from the thermal energy generated by the solar radiation causes the wheel to turn.

Force from the thermal energy generated by the moving water causes the wheel to turn.

what is the correct answer?
double check it please