The opposite of the Big Bang Theory states that the Universe has always existed with no beginning or end. This theory is called (1 point)

Aristotle's Theorum
Aristotle's Theorum

Steady State Theory
Steady State Theory

The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory

The Theory of Space and Time

Steady State Theory.

The correct answer is: Steady State Theory

The theory you are referring to is called the Steady State Theory. It proposes that the Universe has always existed in an unchanging state and does not have a beginning or an end. To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate the other options by understanding what they represent:

1. Aristotle's Theorem: Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who contributed to various fields of study, but his work did not include theories about the origins or nature of the Universe.

2. The Big Bang Theory: The Big Bang Theory is the prevailing scientific explanation for the origin of the Universe, suggesting that it started from an extremely dense and hot state about 13.8 billion years ago. This theory contradicts the idea of the Universe having always existed, so it is not the opposite of the Big Bang Theory.

3. The Theory of Space and Time: While space and time are fundamental concepts in understanding the Universe, there is no specific theory called "The Theory of Space and Time" that describes the idea of the Universe having no beginning or end.

Therefore, the correct answer is the Steady State Theory, which proposes that the Universe is eternal and unchanging.