Which of the following is an example of system software?

An example of system software from the given options is an operating system.

a) Microsoft Word

b) Adobe Photoshop
c) Google Chrome
d) Windows operating system

d) Windows operating system

To determine which of the following is an example of system software, you will need to take a look at the given options. System software refers to programs that control and manage the hardware and software resources of a computer system. It provides a platform for other software applications to run on. Here are the options:

1. Microsoft Word: Microsoft Word is not an example of system software. It is an application software used for word processing.

2. Google Chrome: Google Chrome is also not an example of system software. It is a web browser, which is an application software.

3. Windows Operating System: The Windows Operating System is indeed an example of system software. It is responsible for managing computer hardware resources, providing a user interface, and enabling communication between hardware and software components.

4. Adobe Photoshop: Adobe Photoshop is not an example of system software. It is an image editing software, which falls under application software.

Therefore, the correct answer is the Windows Operating System, as it is an example of system software.