his pent-up energy found an outlet in a raucous game of tag football

1. lack of
2. emotional
3. stored up
4. dangerous

3. stored up

The correct option to fill in the blank is: 3. stored up

The correct answer is 3. stored up.

To determine the answer, let's break down the sentence:

"His pent-up energy found an outlet in a raucous game of tag football."

The phrase "pent-up energy" indicates that the person has a lot of energy built up or stored up inside them. The word "pent-up" means being restrained or held back, suggesting that this energy has been accumulating over a period of time.

To confirm the answer, let's look at the other options:

1. Lack of: This option implies that the person has a lack of energy, which does not fit with the context of the sentence that describes the person's energy being released.
2. Emotional: While pent-up energy can sometimes be associated with emotions, the sentence does not explicitly mention emotions. It focuses on energy being released rather than emotional expression.
4. Dangerous: There is no indication in the sentence that the pent-up energy is dangerous. The fact that the energy is being released in a game of tag football suggests a fun and energetic activity, not a dangerous one.

Therefore, the best choice is 3. stored up, as it accurately describes the energy being accumulated or built up over time and then released in the game of tag football.